Topic Archives
Supporting long term ill-health and disability at work
1 in 5 people of working age are classed as disabled and the number of people reporting a long-term health condition, or classed as disabled continues to rise.
Short Term Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure
Use this template short term sickness absence policy and procedure to manage short-term sickness absence in your organisation.
Short Term Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure – Download
Long Term Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure
Use this template long term sickness absence policy and procedure to manage long-term sickness absence in your organisation.
Long Term Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure – Download
When to use Occupational Health
Occupational health can be a vital tool for employers but many are unsure of when they should be used or what it can be used for.
HSE statistics show rising cost of workplace mental health issues
The number of new and longstanding cases of workplace stress, depression and anxiety has risen over 14 % with the underlying trend intensified by the pandemic.